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LED Lighting Modules

The numerous and significant benefits of using modules that incorporate a matrix of LEDs are being recognized by design engineers in several key industry sectors, including aerospace, architectural lighting. Attributes such as design flexibility, low power consumption, and reliable light as well as long lifetime distinguish LED modules from designs based on traditional filament lamps and fluorescent tubes. LEDs can also have knock-on benefits, such as greatly reducing the size and complexity of the module and simplifying the lens design.
LED modules typically comprise a matrix of many surface mount devices. These LEDs are soldered to an etched copper layer that provides the interconnect between the individual LEDs as well as other passive and active components that are required to complete the circuit. The small size of the LEDs and the close proximity with which they can be mounted means that designers have a huge amount of design freedom and can achieve complex lighting patterns with high levels of brightness.
The etched copper circuit is separated from a base plate - usually made of aluminum - by a thermally efficient, electrically isolating dielectric material. The characteristics and capabilities of the dielectric layer are important to the design flexibility and performance of the overall modules.

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